Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 1 - Just Got Started, Already Behind and Probably Too Late

I feel like starting off my rant by...enlightening, if I may.  I decided after years of ramblings and preachings to a very small choir on Facebook that I would begin a blog, fail miserably and try to become another small voice mixed among-st the masses out on the self-styled "blogosphere".  My intent is to inject my own vitriolic type of humor, extremist views which I often make to seem as silly as possible and political postings while actually being someone who is a government employee and someone who sees how the system can, and does work.  I often refer to myself as a God-fearing, liberty loving patriot.  My thoughts are revolutionary and my heart yearns for a day in age in which people worked for what they needed, earned what they wanted, gave generously to those who didn't have it and prayed for those who had lost their way.

I live in mid-sized city in the heart of the country, but even here I pine for a much simpler way of life.  I'm completely plugged into the technological frame work that has consumed and, for all intents and purposes, is destroying our country.  Right now I am listening to digitized music on ITunes while my IPhone sits next to me,  I'm typing this on a newer HP PC with a flat screen plasma monitor just a mile from a major interstate highway which is allowing thousands of cars to move a day.  I grew up on a small rural plot of land which my father had always wanted converted to a farm, to which he now has.  Growing up, I learned many a lesson there; how to grow plants and crops, catch lightning and lady bugs, how to cook, how to shoot, how to hide, how to sneak.  Down the street were neighbor kids, mostly my age.  We all had a very antagonistic relationship with each other.  These other kids, four males and one female who work their way down our dead-end street to either tease me, try to pick a fight with me, play games with me, steal my toys or just generally cause trouble.  Growing up, I learned skills such as cover and concealment, ghillie-ing out and backyard warfare.  I had more fistfights in this strangely rural survival setting than I care to remember (and I don't believe my parents were aware of a single instance.)  But until I grew up and hit junior high school and jumped into my first identity crisis did I ever run to my parents and tattle.  Instead, I learned how to deal with things on my own, for the most part, thanks in large part to the autonomy of my parents which they allowed me to have.

Now growing up, I was taught by my forefathers still living to love my God and my Country.  I was taught lineage, history, suffering and victory by all of them.  I had a great and solid and loving connection to my mother's mother and my father's father.  My maternal grandmother was an extraordinary woman who grew up in an orphanage, then in poverty, then in the Depression and Dust Bowl eras in Kansas, then as a single mother, then as a farmer's wife.  She was a magnificent woman who took her first husband's mantle of an Assemblies of God preacher in the 1930's and, in my opinion, was a pioneer in female preaching.  She lived a full life full of pain and happiness, but nevertheless, I consider her a hero of modern times.  She never died, but she did go home to her reward in Heaven in 2006, at the age of 96.

My paternal grandfather was a naval sailor who was deployed to the Pacific during the final two years of World War Two and served aboard a tanker ship which saw combat action as the American fleet made its way to Operation Downfall in Japan, which, as I learned throughout my entire childhood, was a God-blessing that never occurred.  My grandfather went on to work hard his entire life, mainly as a technician with a company known as the International Business Machine, programming clocks in schools throughout the eastern half of the United States.  Besides my father,  I credit my grandfather with my nationalistic (nay, ultra-nationalistic) tendencies.  It is with great sorrow that I learned my grandfather voted for Barack Obama twice....

I will try to wrap up my inaugural post here and jump into what I hope will be somewhat routine posts.  I hope to let my opinions be known to those I live near and close with, though not necessarily in this physical world.  I am an extremist, as you will learn.  I believe in freedom, which has to be earned; in equality, which doesn't always work out the way you want; in liberty, which should be free to all; and small and limited government.  For this, we will delve into later.

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